Joint use of FloEFD and Solid Edge licenses




If the FloEFD solver is executed from Solid Edge and the 'Close CAD' option is selected, is the Solid Edge license returned to the server? 


FloEFD allows the user to run a simulation which will utilize the Solver portion of the license only and allows the interface portion of the license to be free for preparing or post-processing another project. 

Details:  The 'Close CAD' feature is activated within the user-interface of FloEFD.  Open the 'Run' dialog window by selecting the 'Run' button or going to 'Solve -> Run'. 

In the 'Run' dialog window you will see a checkbox named 'Close CAD'.  By activating this checkbox, FloEFD will automatically close the interface of the current session which will also release that portion of the license and just continue with the Solver portion only.  The CAD will close automatically only after the Solver has begun and usually after at least one iteration has been processed in the calculation (it is also possible that the solution may need to progress into several iterations before closing the CAD interface).  The user should not try to close the CAD interface manually or force it to close in any way.  The CAD interface should close automatically and cleanly from within FloEFD. 

After the CAD interface has been closed the interface portion of the FloEFD license has now been released and the user can open a different project to be prepared or post-processed.


If you have further inquiries about Solid Edge Solid Edge Portfolio Products Licensing please refer to the FAQs Collection link below:

Solid Edge Portfolio Products Licensing FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8008627



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