NX Creating and deploying a modeling template part

NX for Design



The following is a clear and concise document on how to create and then deploy a modeling template part, starting from the out of the box NX modeling template part, say for Metric


Create a new pax file (you could copy the existing ugs_drawing_templates.pax file and rename it) in the %UGII_ROOT_DIR%\templates directory (or you can point to custom directory by setting the variable UGII_TEMPLATE_DIR=<path>) and store your custom pax file there. Call the file something like <company> 
custom templates.pax

In the pax file, enter the following lines:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Palette xmlns="http://www.ugsolutions.com/Schemas/2001/UGPalettes" 

 <Presentation name="Dan's Template (Inch)" bitmap="drawing_new.bmp" 
FileNewTab="Drawing" application="All" UsesMasterModel="Yes"/>

 <PaletteEntry id="d1"> 
 <Presentation name="Dan's Test Template" description="NX Example, 1 
 <PreviewImage type="UGPart" location="drawing_template.jpg"/> 
 <ObjectData class="DrawingTemplate"> 
 <Filename>Dan's Test Template.prt</Filename> 


Change the Presentation Name entry to your custom name:

From: <Presentation name="Drawing Templates (Inch)" bitmap="drawing_new.bmp"

To: <Presentation name="<company custom templates>" bitmap="drawing_new.bmp" 

If you want your drawings on a separate tab, change the the "Drawing" entry of the FileNewTab field to your custom tab name in the following:

 <Presentation name="Dan's Template (Inch)" bitmap="drawing_new.bmp" FileNewTab="Drawing" application="All" UsesMasterModel="Yes"/>

From: FileNewTab="Drawing" application="All" UsesMasterModel="Yes"/>

To: FileNewTab="<custom name>" application="All" UsesMasterModel="Yes"/>

The following entries are concerning your custom template(s):

<PaletteEntry id="d1"> - (d1 entry must be unique for each template, i.e. d2, d3)

<Presentation name="A - Drawing" description="NX Example, 2 Sheets"> - (change the Presentation Name to your custome name and modify the description).

<PreviewImage type="UGPart" location="drawing_template.jpg"/> - (change this line to point to a jpg of the template. This is optional).

<Filename>A-drawing-template.prt</Filename> - (change to the file name of your custom template. This assumes the template file resides in the same directory as the pax file. Otherwise, include the path.).

<Units>English</Units> - (change to Metric if necessary).

To add another template, copy the information between <PaletteEntry id="d1"> and </PaletteEntry> down to a new section and edit as above.

Make sure the last line in the pax file is </Palette>. 

Save the file and restart NX. The tab should appear in the File --> New 

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V10.0

Ref: 002-8008472

KB Article ID# PL8008472



Associated Components
