Using NX Thermal 11, when we use a table field to define the temperature constraint the interpolation rule is not taken into account.By example:"value outside table" option = constant defined in table field when values in the table are defined until 10s.If the transient analysis goes further than values defined in the table field (ex: analysis end time=30s), we dont get constant temperature applied after 10s but a periodic temperature (between Time=10 and 30s)
This is working as designed, the table repeats itself at the end of the time period to make periodic tables easier to define for orbit calculations. The workflow is to manually change the field so it ends at the correct transient end time.
In Simcenter 3D 2019.1 we added the ablitity to have the table be constant at the last value in the table with "values outside the table" setting available in the Simcenter thermal solution (table field option always ignored).