How to prevent select bodies from displaying in the Ipart.




How to Prevent Select Assembly Bodies from Displaying in a CAE Ipart.


Note: This is a non-destcructive process which allows bodies to be redisplayed.
1. Make the Model Part the Work Part.
2. Confirmed that this an assembly, one body per part file.
3. Open Assembly Navigator on the Resource Bar (resides by default on the left side of the NX graphics work area and at the top).
4. Locate the file containing the body that no longer needs to be displayed in the Ipart.
5. Place cursor over the files name, press mouse button three, select "Replace Reference Set: Empty".
6. Save the top assembly Model Part.
7. Close the Model Part assembly as it does not need to be open for the Ipart.
8. Close and reopen the Ipart, and the file set to Empty Referece Set in the Model Part will not load and therefore no longer display.
9. The Model Part assemblies file that was set to Reference Set Empty, can be restored in seconds by changing the Reference set to "Entire Part" within the Model assembly file if it is ever needed to be displayed in the future.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V10.0

Ref: 001-9364300

KB Article ID# PL8007958



Associated Components