Solid Edge STEP export creates file without content




A user finds that an export of a Solid Edge file to STEP and subsequent reopening of the STEP file again with Solid Edge does not show any part geometry.  Why?
This is the Solid Edge part file.

Saving as a STEP file and then reopening again in Solid Edge shows that no geometry has been translated (Part Copy is empty).


The reason of this behaviour is because in the example, the part file has some faults in it.  Consequently this is creating problems in the STEP export.

The workaround for this problem is during the Import of STEP file to go to options and turn off the 'Simply Geometry' option.

This will then be the result after the import of STEP into Solid Edge of the example part.

To identify the problem that causes the fault it is necessary to run the Geometry Inspector command
and repair the geometry of the part accordingly.

It is also advised to Optimize the part.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Application: TRANSLATORS
Version: V219MP4
Function: STEP

Ref: 002-8007722

KB Article ID# PL8007722



Associated Components
