Can you export Solid Edge Draft files to a .cmp or a .con format.
No. Within the Wire Harness environment you can use the "Save As" ECAD command to save your wire harness component and connection information so that it can be used by other ECAD software systems.
You can export the information to ECAD system-specific format or to .XML format.
- The components file contains information about the components in the wire harness such as the unique ID, component name, and component description. You can save the components file to .CMP or .CMP_XML format.
- The connection file contains information about the connections in the wire harness such as the wire ID, from component ID, and to the component ID. You can save the components file to .CON or .CON_XML format.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: XP32_SP2
Application: SE_ELECTRICAL
Version: V109.0
Function: HARNESS
Ref: 001-9346783