Sacrificial Fixture Plate is need for NX CAM Setup. The image below shows the Sacrificial Blank in its Initial Setup state...with no machining done.
The need is to produce a Sacrificial Fixture Plate in it's "Finished Machined" state.
---Edit the WORKPIECE - (MouseButton3 (MB3) on WORKPIECE and Select 'Edit')(see image below).
---Edit the Part Geometry (see image below).
The Part Geometry dialog is displayed.
---Select each Set and the X to remove all Part Geometry
When complete...the Part Geometry dialog should appear as seen below.
---Select OK and Edit the Blank Geometry.
The Blank Geometry dialog box is displayed.
---Select each Set and the X to remove all Blank Geometry.
Very Important:
---Select the sacrificial plate for your new Blank .
---Select OK until the Mill Geom dialog box is no longer displayed.
Change to the Program Order View
---Go to the Program Order View and select all the operations.
Note: All the operations will appear out if date . This is fine and to be expected.
---MB3, on the selected operations, and select 'Object-->Approve' (see image below).
The operations will now show in the "Approve" state (see image below).
---MB3 on operations and select 'Workpiece-->Show 3D'.
---MB3 on the final operation and select 'Workpiece-->Save as...'.
The "Save Workpiece As" dialog will display.
---Input your desired location and filename.
Note: You can now use the saved work piece as the finished sacrificial setup plate.