How to create a comprehensive SESysInfo.log file?




The SESysInfo.log file is useful to get an overview about the system that is used by the user. It collects system, session and graphic view information, amongst other things.

How to create a log file so that it captures the most comprehensive information?


The following steps describe how to create such an SESysInfo.log file.

  1. Start Solid Edge.
    1. Create a new Part document.
      1. Open a Windows Explorer/File Explorer.
        1. Locate the executable <Solid Edge Installation Path>\Program\SESysInfo.exe.
          1. Double click onto the executable (a 'SESysInfo v1.5' session window will be opened).
            1. Ensure that the icons 'Show System Info' and 'Show Display Info' are activated.
              1. Save the output to a specific file name like e.g. SESysInfo_of_<user>_on_<computer>.log.
                1. Exit the 'SESysInfo v1.5' session.
                  1. Close the Windows Explorer/File Explorer.
                    1. Close the Part document without saving.
                      1. Exit Solid Edge.


                        The terms marked with parentheses <...> should be adjusted accordingly.


                        KB Article ID# PL8007506



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