While generating 3D PDF dataset from Process Simulate on Teamcenter "Process Simulate" option is greyed out.
For enabling "Process Simulate" option for generating 3D PDF dataset use the below steps
1) In Teamcenter (MPP Application), Select the Process Revision and right click ->select Open with process Simulate to load the Process Revision and operations in PS.
2) Right click on Menu bar ->Select option "Customize the Ribbon" option from available option.
3) In Customize window add "Create 3D Documentation" from Choose commands from to Customize the Ribbon ->Click on Ok.
4) Once you add "Create 3D Documentation" option in New tab in Process Simulate -> Select Process from Object Tree window in PS and Click on Create 3D documentation->Select the "view" for operations in steps to create table >Click on Generate tab to generate 3D PDF.
5) Then Click on Teamcenter Update in Process Simulate to update the PDF in Teamcenter from Process simulate.
6)Go to Teamcenter, Select the Process Revision -> Go to Tools ->Generate 3D PDF Report ->Select "Create a new report" in Generate PDF Report Wizard window -> Enter the name and click on Next ->Select 3D PDF template from templates option ->Process Simulate option Should be enable for generating the 3D PDF.
Notes and References
Use the below link for documentation.
https://docs.plm.automation.siemens.com/tdoc/tecnomatix/14.1/PS_TC#uid:index_xid1015772:xid1132064:xid1169102:id1246454186982Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: XP64_SP1
Version: V14.1.1
Ref: 002-8007487