We're currently generating V10.2 JT on NX V10.2.7.Question is: - is this JT compliant with ISO 14306:2017 ?
Furthermore.We're planning to upgrade to NX12.Is the JT V10.2 generated through NX12 compliant at the same with ISO 14306:2017?
No, the Answer from R&D does not say "JT Version 9.5 or higher", therefore ONLY V9.5 is valid.
This Doc.Webpage explains which settings are needed for getting Version 9.5 JT : - https://docs.plm.automation.siemens.com/tdoc/nx/12/nx_help/#uid:configuration_opts_setup_options
In Detail it says :
JtFileFormat ="9" Generates optimal version of format 9 JT file. For example, if you use NX 10 to generate JT files with this setting. NX to JT translator produces version 9.5 JT file.