NX Japanese characters are missing in the graphics window of NX12.

NX for Design



Japanese version of NX12, drawing sheet "Out of Date" information is not displayed , but in the English version of NX12, "Out of Date" information is displayed at the bottom left of the screen.


Japanese characters are missing from view names displayed in the graphics window because the text font does not include Japanese characters.

The default setting for the text font used to display view names in the graphics window was changed for NX 12.0 onwards. In releases before NX 12.0, the default text font was Arial Unicode MS, but starting in NX 12.0 the default text font is Arial. Japanese characters are seen in NX 11.0, but not in NX 12.0 because Arial Unicode MS includes Japanese characters but Arial font does not.

As per NX12 release notes, it says "No support for Arial Unicode MS font with Office 2016".

Arial Unicode MS font is no longer shipped with Office 2016. The Arial Unicode MS font file can still be obtained and used, but there is a license cost associated with the same (from Microsoft). 

The NX decision in response to Microsoft's change to no longer ship Arial Unicode MS with the latest version of Office (starting with the 2016 version) was to use the next "closest standard available" font as the default. 

The text font setting is presented on the Color/Font tab of the Preferences -> Visualisation dialog. To resolve the issue, the user can use the dialog to change the setting to a font that includes Japanese characters. If the dialog is used to change the setting, the modified setting is saved (for each user) from session to session.

If the dialog has not yet been used to change the setting, the setting can be initialized by setting environment variable UGII_STANDARD_FONT_FAMILY before starting NX. Here is an example.


Note that this environment variable has no effect if the user has already used the dialog to change the setting.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V12.0

Ref: 002-8007435

KB Article ID# PL8007435



Associated Components
