Solid Edge Solid Edge SEEC based feature overlay templates.

Data Management



Where are the compatible BMIDE templates for the integrations to upgrade to Teamcenter12 with Solid Edge ST10. 


Solid Edge St10 is not compatiable with TC12. You must upgrade to ST2019mp1. 
Please review: Solid Edge End of Maintenance: End of Maintenance dates for the Solid Edge suite of products are listed in SFB-SOLID_EDGE-8000986 


These dates represent when Siemens PLM Software will discontinue development activities and Maintenance Pack delivery along with the last Teamcenter release supported. 

IMPORTANT: We do not support the use of Bmide to manipulate our SEEC template feature overlays. To attempt such an action will corrupt your environment beyond repair. Our feaure overlays are installed via the TEM interface and can be downloaded from the GTAC site, Solid Edge application. Locate the Solid Edge product updates for ST10 or SE2019 respectively. Open the MP01 folder, then the Teamcenter Intergraton for Solid Edge folder. Download the SEECAdministrator zip file. Please review the included SEEC adminstrator readme for installation details. This is a full install and no other MP is required. Also, please note the baseline is not required, yet the MP can be installed on top of baseline if it was previously installed. 

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Version: V110.0
Function: SEEC

Ref: 001-9324599

KB Article ID# PL8007326



Associated Components
