NX Customer defaults are not applied: tolerance value

NX for Design



We want to define Tolerance Distance (G0) for all users in Organization.
We can change this option from Modeling Preference: General -> Tolerance Distance

But we need to propagate this value to all users. So we found this option in the Customer Defaults:

General -> General -> Tolerance Distance -> Metric

We use Site, Group and User settings (UGII_SITE_DIR, UGII_GROUP_DIR and UGII_USER_DIR env.vars) and we try to define Tolerance Distance value on the Site level and set 'Lock'. 

However these changes are not applied, Tolerance Distance value is still taken from Modeling Preference.

Only models created from 'Blank' template file have corrected Tolerance Distance value.

Why Customer Defaults are not applied ?


Customer Defaults settings have 'Part' and 'Session' Scope.
We can see it in the 'Scope' column, if we open Customer Defaults and run 'Find' command:

If Scope = 'Session', these settings can be set for all users on the Site, Group or User level.
Such settings are stored in 'dpv' files at the %UGII_SITE_DIR%,%UGII_GROUP_DIR% and %UGII_USER_DIR% locations.

Tolerance Distance setting has Scope = 'Part'.
If Scope = 'Part', these settings are stored in the part file (not in dpv-file or mtx-file). So we can propagate such settings only by using template prt-file.

If we use 'Blank' template (for part creation), this is system definition, so all Scope levels from Customer Defaults are applied.

But when we use any other template file (for part creation), all 'Part' level settings will be taken from this template file.
The only way to change 'Part' level settings for all users: open template prt-file, set necessary settings in this file and save it.
In this case all new files, created from this template, will have these changes. But old files, created from this template before changes, should be corrected manually.

It's related to all Customer Defaults settings, which have Scope = 'Part'. 

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V12.0.2

Ref: 002-8007213

KB Article ID# PL8007213



Associated Components
