If I have a drawing view and apply a Smart Dimension picking the edges then the end points of the dimensions are from the "ends" of the edges.
However if I have break lines applied then the endpoint of the dimensions corresponds to wherever I clicked on the edge when creating the dimension. Why?
This is as working as designed. We do this for all forms of cropped views (Detail, Broken, etc.). When a view is cropped, some edges can cross the view boundary. The geometry is NOT cropped by the view boundary - that would modify the geometry. Only the display is trimmed. You can see this by going into 'Draw in View' of a cropped view. You will see edges extending beyond the border. Endpoints of the geometry can be outside of the view. Therefore we do not try to locate the endpoint - as that would force the connect point to out in space relative to the cropped view. For this reason, we connect at the click point.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: n/a
Application: DRAFT
Version: V219.0
Ref: 002-8007197