In Solid Edge Embedded Client [SEEC] when performing a Save As to a new Item the Item Master and Item Revision Master form names of the new item are not updated to the new Item ID and reflect the original Item ID value.
How to configure SEEC to show the new Item ID on the new Item Master and Item Revision Master form names?
To configure SEEC to show the new Item ID on the new Item Master and Item Revision Master form names is not a SEEC function and actually requires configuration within Teamcenter.
In the Teamcenter BMIDE you must set the object_name property
CopyFromOriginal to false on both the Item Master and Item Revision Master Form Business Objects...
The Item Master Form:
The Item Revision Master Form:
With the above configuration changes in BMIDE deployed, in SEEC I then create Item 000240:
I then perform a Save As in SEEC to Item ID 000241. The Item Master and Item Revision Master forms now have the new Item ID name as expected:
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Version: V110.0
Function: SEEC
Ref: 002-8007063