When starting NX 12 you may receive an information message:
Menuscript Definition
Syntax error at line 470 in file: D:\Siemens\NX 12.0\ugautomotive\startup\definitions_ugautomotive.btn
The button 'UG_AUTODIE_DIEDES_MANU_GEOMETRY' does not have a valid action.
There is an issue with NX when a custom installation is performed that this message is presented to the user. The solution is to modify the NX 12 installation and add the TOOLING DESIGN package to the installation; this will add the MoldWizard application which when present resolves the issue of the message being presented to the user each time NX starts.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: na
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Version: V12.0
Ref: 001-9303057