NX NXOpen DLL fails with 'Assembly not been compiled with a NX Resource Bundle'

NX Open NX System Administration



Signing or executing a NXOpen .NET DLL/EXE may fail in NX12 if the Visual
Studio project had been upgraded from previous VS and NX versions.

The error encountered then might state:

>signdotnet projectname.dll
Checking for the presence of DotNet Author License
Problem found with NX resource in assembly projectname.dll
Assembly has not been compiled with an NX resource bundle
Signature is not valid


The string block definition in "%UGII_BASE_DIR%\UGOPEN\NXSigningResource.res"
changed between NX11 and NX12 from "NXAUTHBLOCK" to "NXAUTHBLKNT".

This change was necessary and justified by fixing a Problem Report to ensure
executables were being signed by the correct corresponding signing utility.
See also
PR-8266232 (NXOpen Signing tools still need error checking for API type)
Fixed NX12

So users should ensure to use the correct "NXSigningResource.res" file for the
NX release target and set the Visual Studio build action property for this
file to "Embedded Resource" as documented.


Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V12.0.2
Function: NXOPEN

Ref: 001-8396514

KB Article ID# PL8006804



Associated Components

Block/UI Interface Stylers Knowledge Fusion Menuscript NX Open - All Languages NX Open Python Open for C/C++ Open for CAE Open for GRIP Open for Java Pre-NX6 UI Styler SNAP UDO