Solid Edge New Solid Edge Registry & AppData Locations




Noticed some changes in SE 2019 that the old references to Unigraphics Solutions have been updated. The Registry Hives and User AppData Locations appear to have changed. Can not find this documented in 
the the What's New nor Install and Licensing Docs. 


From "What's New in Solid Edge 2019" 
Product name change: Solid Edge 2019 

The naming convention used to identify a Solid Edge release was changed to associate it with the year in which most of our customers will begin using the product. That means that this release is named Solid Edge 2019. To be consistent, new Solid Edge portfolio products also adopted this naming convention; for example, Solid Edge 3D Publishing 2019, Solid Edge Electrical 2019, and SolidEdge CAM Pro 2019. 

Here are some additional changes you will see as a result of the new name: 

The splash screenshows Solid Edge 2019. It also identifies the primary type of license you have, for example, Classic or Premium.

The Solid Edge 2019 default installation folder is now located in the Program Files\Siemens folder.  The default folder structure is Program Files\Siemens\Solid Edge 2019. All references to Unigraphics Solutions were replaced with Siemens.

Solid Edge 2019 registry entries are moved under the Siemens node for both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The default structure is Software\Siemens\SolidEdge\Version 219.

The default user AppData folders are populated under the Siemens folder. The Solid Edge 2019 folder structure is AppData\Roaming\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 219. 

The default cache location for Teamcenter-managed documents is now 
AppData\Roaming\Siemens\SolidEdge\SEEC. Solid Edge 2019 build numbers are now 
 v219.0 is used in online incident reporting and other Siemens online applications. 

If you have any custom scripts or automation written to work with the folder and registry structure of Solid Edge ST10 or prior releases, you must update them for Solid Edge 2019. 

For more information and conversation, access the Solid Edge Community Site. 
The following statement is from the TeamCenter Integration for Solid Edge (SEEC) Doc.

 "If you have any custom scripts or automation written to work with the 
folder and registry structure of Solid Edge ST10 or prior releases, you must 
update them for the Solid Edge 2019 release" 

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Application: SETUP
Version: V219.0
Function: INSTALL

Ref: 001-9289281

KB Article ID# PL8006716



Associated Components