) Unable to login to NX Manager in 4 tier mode.
) NX/Manager error message of
Login Failed
Error finding license for selected module
Invalid login attempt, please try again.
) NX syslog shows
Teamcenter Integration: login failed - error code 70105
*** EXCEPTION: Error code 940074 in ...\PDM_Services_SoaSession.cxx ...
+++ Error finding license for selected module
) Checking the license log
on the license server machine, we see
.. (ugslmd) Request denied: Client (11.15) newer than Vendor Daemon (11.13). (Version of vendor daemon is too old. (-83,21049:10054 ""))
) Since the Teamcenter version is V11.5,
admin had to update the license software to a compatible version.
) For example, you can use license install kit
in the TC V11.5 kit for Windows
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V11.0.2
Function: STARTUP
Ref: 002-8006705