How to get many properties values in one property from teamcenter to NX
Need a property in NX which includes say
ItemID + ItemRevision Id + Object name etc..
o Open BMIDE - Item Revision
o Select the custom property say "a5Rahul" belonging to Item Revision as shown
o Now under Property constants select complexProperty - Edit
o Modify the ComplexProperty to include the values of many properties as shown.
o Save and Deploy
Attribute mapping:
o Perform the attribute mapping as shown below and import the mapping file.
Now this property "a5Rahul" will have the appended values of many properties in the order they are placed.
Notes and References
IR 9281485
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V12.0
Ref: 002-8006642