How to disable auto-expand of Model Views node when PMI is selected in NX 12?




Selecting a PMI object in the graphics window results in the Model Views node, and the specific model view, being expanded in the Part Navigator. This behavior occurs once the Model View node in the Part Navigator has been expanded for the first time in the NX session, collapsing it does not prevent it from being expanded again every time a PMI object is selected. This can take up space in the Part Navigator that the user may prefer to be used to display the Model History. This behavior was added as an enhancement in NX 11.0.1. 


The automatic expansion of the Model View node and Model Views in the Part Navigator can be disabled by unchecking the 'Automatically Scroll to Selection' option via 'File -> Utilities -> Customer Defaults -> Gateway -> Part Navigator -> All'. After making this change to the Customer Defaults, restart NX to see the change in behavior. 

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 10_1709
Product: NX
Application: PMI
Version: V12.0.1

Ref: 001-9268557

KB Article ID# PL8006385



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