Siemens PLM Licensing Combining license files for different sold tos into one file

Licensing Maintenance



If you try to combine license files of different sold tos into one file by your own this often results in a different amount of usable licenses if the different files contain the same license INCREMENT (e.g. license 1 contains 3 NX Mach 1 bundles "INCREMENT NX11110 ugslmd 32.0 permanent 3" and license 2 contains 2 NX Mach 1 bundles "INCREMENT NX11110 ugslmd 32.0 permanent 2" you probably only see 2 available bundles in summary.


In this case you should request a combined license file from your local Siemens PLM Customer Service contact. 

They have the possibility to create a single file for different sold tos with the correct amount of licenses. Requirement for this is that the registered CID (Composite HostID) for all sold tos is identical.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM

Ref: 002-8005924

KB Article ID# PL8005924



Associated Components

Siemens PLM Common Licensing