If you try to combine license files of different sold tos into one file by your own this often results in a different amount of usable licenses if the different files contain the same license INCREMENT (e.g. license 1 contains 3 NX Mach 1 bundles "INCREMENT NX11110 ugslmd 32.0 permanent 3" and license 2 contains 2 NX Mach 1 bundles "INCREMENT NX11110 ugslmd 32.0 permanent 2" you probably only see 2 available bundles in summary.
In this case you should request a combined license file from your local Siemens PLM Customer Service contact.
They have the possibility to create a single file for different sold tos with the correct amount of licenses. Requirement for this is that the registered CID (Composite HostID) for all sold tos is identical.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Ref: 002-8005924