How to prevent 2D user from checking out a Solid Edge Classic license




Customer Has five seats of Solid Edge Classic and 3 seats of Solid Edge 2D - Maintenance version. Several users should ONLY use the Solid Edge 2D product. But if they start Solid Edge before all of the Solid Edge Classic licenses are checked out, they get a Solid Edge Classic license. How to prevent them from getting a Solid Edge Classic license? 


Flexlm provides an Options file. Solid Edge License Manager installs with file "selmd.opt". This is a text file that can be edited with notepad.  This file gives you the ability to administer license file access at the user level. First you will need to define/specify which users you are going to prevent from checking out a Solid Edge Classic license. The simplest way is to use the EXCLUDE option and a specific USER name and specify the license feature you do not want that user to have access to.

So for example, to prevent the user wilson from checking out a Solid Edge Classic license, add the following Exclude statement to the selmd.opt file:

EXCLUDE solidedgeclassic USER wilson

You can also define a GROUP of users to exclude from using solidedgeclassic license feature. First define the GROUP

GROUP draftusers wilson smith johnson jones

(GROUP name is draftusers and the members are wilson, smith, johnson, and jones)

Then add the statement: EXCLUDE solidedgeclassic GROUP draftusers

(this will  exclude the members of GROUP draftusers from getting a solidedgeclassic 


There are other options as explained in the FLEXlm User Guide that is delivered with Solid Edge media.


If you have further inquiries about floating Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:

Solid Edge Floating License FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8005800



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