Solid Edge Solid Edge 2019 - Maintenance Pack 1 Announcement




August 28, 2018
Dear Solid Edge Customer: 
Solid Edge 2019 Maintenance Pack 1 is now available for download.
The Solid Edge Team 
Release Notes:
Solid Edge 2019 Maintenance Packs are delivered using Microsoft Installer (MSI) technology.
Microsoft Windows 10 releases Feature Updates every six months. Microsoft does not use Windows 10 Feature Updates as an avenue to deliver security-related patches. All quality-related patches, including security and reliability hot-fixes, will continue to be delivered outside of this Feature Update process. Therefore, if your production use of Solid Edge was negatively impacted as a result of the last Microsoft Windows 10 Feature Update, you should consider configuring your Windows 10 machines to delay the deployment of Windows 10 Feature Updates. Configuring your Windows 10 machines by moving the machines into the "Semi-Annual Channel" servicing channel will delay the installation of Feature Updates for approximately four months following the initial release. During this time, you and your IT organization will have the opportunity to review the suitably of the Feature Update, including determining any negative impact, upon the applications that you use in your production environment, such as Solid Edge. This four-month window of time between Microsoft initially releasing the Feature Update to targeted machines and releasing the Feature Update for general deployment to the enterprise will also provide our development team time to review and react to changes introduced by Windows 10 Feature Updates, thereby helping keep you as productive as possible.
Maintenance Pack Version:
Solid Edge 2019 MP1
Download Location:
Solid Edge 2019 Maintenance Packs can be downloaded from:
• MSI Product Updates can be applied on top of the base release and or existing Product Update with a lesser version.
• MSI Product Updates are all inclusive, i.e. fixes delivered in MP3 include all fixes delivered in MP1 and MP2.
• MSI Product Updates calculate free disk space before installing. Please be patient.
• MSI Product Updates are uninstalled via the Control Panel (Uninstall a program –> View installed updates -> Uninstall).
• MSI Product Updates can be uninstalled without having to remove the base Solid Edge product.
• Uninstalling an MSI Product Update will restore the installation to the state before the Product Update was applied.
• When uninstalling, the original source media must be available to allow the recovery of previous file versions.
• The current MSI Product Update will be the only Update listed and available for uninstallation. 
• After the current Product Update is uninstalled the previous Product Update will become the current Update.
• .zip files delivered with this MP such as are complete product setups. Therefore, existing versions of these installs must be removed using Uninstall a program from the Control Panel before installing the new version.
E-mail Notification: 
To receive direct e-mail notifications for new Solid Edge Maintenance Packs, subscribe to the SFBmail notification.
For details on initiating your email subscription navigate to: 
This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:
PR 9194161:  Solid Edge theme dialog is not picking up previous defined themes
PR 9183427:  High Res Icons are missing for View Orientation on the Status Bar
PR 9219978:  Can't apply sheet metal gage settings
PR 9221624:  Edge Bar and Pathfinder are collapsed when running Maximum Assistance theme
PR 9175164:  Force on multiple curves switched from 'per entity' to 'total load'
PR 8954936: Piping Utility doesn't handle localized resource files properly
PR 9169594: After changing the path on tube, the handles of previous path are still shown
PR 9178419: Command not terminated after placing an assembly from systems library
PR 9179925: Assembly Phys Props and DV are not marked OOD when user includes/excludes parts in calculation
PR 9181191: abort on assembly file open 
PR 9182369: the editing of a fastener system failing when the bolt/screw length changes.
PR 8954936: Piping Utility doesn't handle localized resource files properly
PR 9200549: XpresRoute still crashes while editing Tube Properties in SE ST9 MP15 
PR 9214427: Attribute writing failed and causes crash
PR 8373422: materials are saved to part and assembly regardless of checkmark 'save to file' 
PR 9114443: After highlighting an assembly sketch while IPA into a part profile, all of the 
PR 9190834: Fixed a crashlog abort in the Override Relationship command.
PR 9193067: FOA asm works weird depending which member is  active when saving
PR 9219991: Solid Edge crashes when trying to open the main-assembly
PR 9031845: delimiter (dot, comma) does not work for the hole annotation in the hole table
PR 9080518: Incorrect result on choosing a horizontal/vertical break axis
PR 9108258: Block Table wrong associated blocks with by active sheet option
PR 9134851: Adjustable Tubes - Mass and flat length values are incorrect
PR 9177638: SE crashes when edit and drag operation of a Datum with no leader
PR 9183092: Handle points displayed away and dragging does not work correctly
PR 9129150: a cell override action is reset after editing the associated hole in the part
PR 9206087: termination log error while printing
PR 9171616: Broken View result is incorrect
PR 9181337: SE crashes when edit/add projection and jog line of Angular Coordinate Dimension
PR 9197124: Retrieve dimension creates a Zero dimension
===Part/Sheet Metal===
PR 9178481: Crash when edit failed pattern with excel table (Update) 
PR 9182512: File close when trying to undo after getting error
PR 9183182: Print of part using Wireframe isn't working as expected
PR 9186918: Cannot trim a surface along Plane 21
PR 9187498: SE crashes after changing pattern recognition select set
PR 9188499: Cutout command doesn't work if you save the file while in sketch environment 
PR 9201982: Chamfer fails along chain edge
PR 9184566: SE crashes create and cancel a curve by table with not enough key points
PR 9194260: Cannot change part dimensions with tapped hole. Plain hole is ok
PR 9208308: Using Pre-defined View input crashes Solid Edge after hiding design body
PR 9211405: SE does not highlight faces of the feature when hovered in PF
PR 9190343: Performance issue in Lite Part Data while assembly file open
PR 9101238: Thread Pitch value is not shown if we add threads through thread command
PR 9177181: Geometry is missing in some parts after migration
PR 9195543: Wrong translation of ACAD Dimensions, moving text & paragraphs.
PR 9170286: In round trip workflow, attached face is not highlighted for FCF without leader.
PR 9088168: SolidWorks assembly file opening error 
PR 9106273: Imported DWG does not contain the scale text in the title block 
PR 9173023: AutoCAD Export Error.
PR 9188136: SolidEdgeTranslationServices.exe crashes for parts without solids to JT
PR 9111150: Error during Solid Works data migration
PR 9159601: Setting of the Line3D length damage 3D sketch solver
PR 9084779: The mouse selection filter doesn't work in 3DSketch environment
===Illustrations & 3D Publisher ===
PR 9199912: Solid Edge Technical Publications poor performance
===Design Manager===
PR 9039742: User is able to release an assembly with its child having Available status
PR 9133192: Save As operation in Design Manager is crashing during Where Used function
PR 9178429: Add to Library for attached dataset crashes Design Manager
PR 9171952: Revision in Design Manger gives ascending revision letters 
===Data Management===
PR 9183003:  Save copy as modify properties in the original file
PR 9172765: FOA cannot be open from Solid Edge Search result 
PR 9190873: Save-As function in Design Manager not finding all linked files 
PR 8380513: Propseed registration check is uncheck after restart dialog
PR 9170290:  Default value for Title cell from propseed.txt is not shown on CPD
PR 9171507:  Place the view and save draft, incorrect location of 3D model.
PR 9172366:  SE file type icon for FOA member is missing on CPD.
===Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge===
PR 9170370: Fastener System command is enabled in Offline mode for Teamcenter 
PR 9171273: Auto-set action for the released assembly when child part is set to SaveAs
PR 9172439: Top level ASM is not listed on where used dialog if select all
PR 9177137: Data Prep is giving the user the SEEC login dialog while generating import list
PR 9192705: Real Item Type name instead of displayed for Offline create
PR 9148257: Problems uploading files to TC when dynamic LOV used
PR 9186305: The mapped date attribute shifts to displayed time after uploading to Teamcenter
PR 8385443: SEEC Search window persists after closing, crashes application if Search used.
PR 9212514: Need to provide an API to create BOM structures for TEL data 
PR 9217594: You cannot request write access or modify assembly that already open in checkout
PR 9175207: Custom properties and variables hardcoded to English
PR 9216969: "Save as" from assembly in existing item fails in SESE when multiple obj 
PR 9229932: SEEC: SaveAs is performed the SEEC_BeforeCPDDisplay passes CPD_NEW_FILE
PR 9226954: enable SE Requirements docking pane for SEEC licenses

Product Information:
  • Product: SOLID_EDGE

KB Article ID# PL8005786



Associated Components