When changing the unit of drafting dimension containing tolerance, the
dual dimension is not converting properly.
Changing the unit of existing drafting dimension by MB3> settings
Dual tab, check ON "Show Dual Dimension" to inches
Dual Dimension is values are not showing correctly
Use the following steps to Show Dual Dimesnion values correctly.
Steps to show Dual Dimesnion values correctly.
(1) Select the dimension in the drawing.
(2) MB3> Settings.
(3) In setting dialog box select Tolerance tab. toggle on the option "Convert Tolerance when Changing Units.
(4) Close the settings dialog Box.
Dual Dimension values are showing correctly.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V11.0.2
Ref: 002-8005738