Cannot return a borrowed license that was borrowed with the previous version of Solid Edge.
SolutionBorrowed licenses of Solid Edge do not actually capture the license from the license file from which it was borrowed. Because the install of your license manager has been updated, the return borrow license will not work and the new version of Solid Edge is not getting checked out because the borrowed license is for a previous version. So you need to clear the borrowed license to stop you from getting the message. When you connect to the network you will be able to use the new version, but disconnected from the network the client still sees the old borrowed license of the previous version and fails.
Do the following:
On the client machine:
1. Run regedit.
2. Locate registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER->software->FLEXLM License Manager->Borrow
3. Delete this Registry to remove the encryption string that represents the borrowed license.
4. Reboot your machine
NotesIf you have further inquiries about floating Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:
Solid Edge Floating License FAQs Collection