Simcenter 3D Solutions Avoiding 'group' labelling conflicts in '.sim' and assembly fem '.afm' files

Simcenter 3D



New in Simcenter 3D 12, the 'grouping' functionality was enhanced such that the user can now assign and change labels when creating or editing a group (in previous releases the label was assigned automatically and could not be edited).  This change was implemented for all Simcenter 3D data files where groups can be created ('.fem', '.sim', '.afm' and assembly fem '.sim').

However, with the implementation of this new functionality, it was decided that there is now no point In having the software override labels assigned to groups associated with 'child' items (e.g. '.fem' file) in the context of a 'parent' item (e.g. '.sim' file) when new groups are created in the context of the 'parent' item. 

Hence the labels of groups associated with 'child' items are no longer automatically incremented and consequently the creation of new groups in the context of the 'parent' item can result in duplicate labels.


The assembly fem 'assembly label manager', which provides an automated way to avoid labelling conflicts within the context of an assembly fem, has been enhanced to include 'groups' as one of the modifiable entity types.

Additionally, a new 'simulation label manager' function has been introduced - this is similar to the assembly fem 'assembly label manager' function, but can be used to control the labels of specific entity types (coordinate systems, physical properties and groups) within the context of a '.sim' file.


With respect to this topic, reviewing the following articles within the Simcenter 3D 12 help documentation may be beneficial:

Group labels

Label management enhancement


KB Article ID# PL8005646



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