About Units conversion process in NX11 and NX12.




1. Create a new file with 'Inch' units in NX11. 
2. Create a simple block of any size. 
3. Convert the units of the part to mm using utility "ug_convert_part". 
4. Open the converted part again in NX11 
5. Create a simple block again . 
The unit of the block will be shown as mm. 
Repeat the above procedure in NX12. 
The unit of newly created block is not mm. 
Why there is difference in behavior of NX11 and NX12?


The behavior has been changed in NX12. When you convert the part units using command line "ug_convert_part" and then open the part in NX, then go to [Menu -> Tools -> Units Manager]. 
In the 'Preferred Data Entry Units' and Object Information Units' select appropriate unit for e.g. "Metric -kg/mm/N/deg/C". 
Save the part. 
Now when you create a new Block the Units are shown in mm. 

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: na
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V12.0.1
Function: UI_TOOLS

Ref: 002-8005633

KB Article ID# PL8005633



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