Export an assembly "as saved" using the ug_clone utility from TC11.2/NX10 with the following command seems not working:
ug_clone -pim=yes -u=xxx -p=xxx -g=xxx -o=export -r=as_saved
-asse=@DB/Testassy/00 -default_n=autotranslate -default_d=d:\temp
Results in error message:
ERROR: (943013) - Input revision rule does not exist.
While setting revision rule as_saved
The error appears because of "As_saved" is not a revision rule.
So if running ug_clone from a command or batch file this would require a load
options file to be declared for the command line ug_clone.
There is no ug_clone utility to define this directly as the -r for a revision
You can save the load options to a file when running NX with Teamcenter.
File - Assembly Load Options - Save to File
All the setting are in the load_options.def file. This file can be saved to a
folder for example D:\temp.
In the tc command prompt where you will run the ug_clone
set UGII_LOAD_OPTIONS= d:\temp\load_options.def
Now run ug_clone
D:\Software\NX\NX10\UGII>ug_clone -pim=yes -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba
-asse=@DB/Tesassy/A -default_n=autotranslate -default_d=d:\partsexportdirectoy
ug_clone Starting...
FCC interface version fms.
Loaded implementation library
FCC Interface Implementation fms. initialized.
Logging export to export.clone
export completed successfully
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V11.0
Ref: 002-8005542