How to add a new FEM template ?
Any FEM can be added as template subject to this need to be added in *.PAX file and can be called by setting UGII_TEMPLATE_DIR.
Please follow the steps below to create a sample FEM template.
1. Open NX and create a new FEM file and save it as mytemplate.fem ( For E.g) in a directory D:\test (For E.g). Close NX session
2.Open any text editor and copy paste the the appended text . Save it as attached ugs_cae_templates.pax ( This is for E.g and having only one FEM template*) and saved it the same folder where you had saved fem file in step#1
3.Now set UGII_TEMPLATE_DIR =D:\test
4.Open the NX session. you can confirm there will be tab called "custom_Simulation" and there is a template name "test" for fem like in the snapshot below.
*Please take a notethat ugs_cae_templates.pax is available inside NXinstallationdirectory/simulation/templates folder and do modify based on your requirement.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Palette xmlns="" schemaVersion="1.0">
<Presentation name="Simulation Templates" bitmap="sheet_and_block.bmp" FileNewTab="Custom_Simulation" application="All" UsesMasterModel="No"/>
<PaletteEntry id="d1">
<Presentation name="TEST" description="TEST Fem">
<PreviewImage type="UGPart" location="adv_fem_template_custom.jpg"/>
<ObjectData class="CaeFemTemplate">