Unable to define Face Styles due to Material.mtl




If you experience problems with the Material Table, such as not being able to assign Face Styles to dedicated material definitions, it could be that the Material.mtl is write locked, although this will not be indicated in File Explorer.


You need to know, that a material.mtl file is effectively nothing more than a specific Part file, but with a different suffix.

In our example, the reason the user could not assign a style to a material was that in this particular instance the Material.mtl was set to have Solid Edge Status "In work".  However, since the suffix of the file is not ".par" you will get no information about the Solid Edge status.  This can be resolved by renaming the Material.mtl to Material.par.

Consequently, you will be able view to the Solid Edge status (available, in work, etc.) . If the status is not "available", then you cannot make changes in the Material.par file.  The solution is to set the file back to "available" using the "Status changer Tool" which can be obtained from GTAC support, then to rename the file back to Material.mtl.  After that the Face Styles can be modified and assigned to specific materials.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: na
OS: window
OS Version: n/a
Version: V110.0
Function: TOOLS

Ref: 001-9196963

KB Article ID# PL8004514



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