How a Simcenter user can know the number of Token available?
Open a DOS command use the following command (use the right path)
lmutil.exe lmstat -c splm8.lic -f simcenter_token >Token.txt
Example of result in token.txt :
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2015 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Wed 6/27/2018 09:23
Users of simcenter_token: (Total of 200 licenses issued; Total of 102
licenses in use)
"simcenter_token" v32.0, vendor: ugslmd, floating license
logon hostname nx_esc_ui (v32.000) (host/28000 301), start Wed 6/27 9:20,
51 licenses
logon hostname nx_esc_solv (v31.000) (host/28000 502), start Wed 6/27 9:23,
51 licenses
We get the number of token used, the total number of token, and the detail on
the current usage (user, workstation, Feature)