If it is desired to change the font type, numeric format and number of decimal places of the results display, in the Identify and Annotation functions, as well as the Legend, on the Post View plots, the following Preferences can be used.
Beginning in NX 10.0, Two preference dialogs can be used to maintain the font type and size, numeric format and the number of decimal places, for Post Processing text. The font type is controlled in the View tab -> Visualization group -> Preferences. Expand the "View" list on the left and select Decorations(NX 1847) or Color/Font tab of the Visualization Preferences dialog in NX 12.0 and earlier. Changing the font type and size will have an effect on the Post Processing legend, Annotation and the Identify Function text display. Note that other unrelated text can be changed as well. The numeric format and number of decimal spaces is governed by selecting Menu -> Preferences -> Post Processing, in which Multiple functions have been combined into one dialog. To change the numeric format and number of decimal spaces in the Post Processing Preferences dialog, select the option on the left, then change the available option as needed. The Post Processing Navigator option can affect the numeric format and the number of decimals displayed in the Post Processing Navigator. An example would the frequency listing in a modal frequency response analysis or the numeric value of a nonlinear load step.
The font size, that is defined in Visualization Preferences, can be overridden by Automatic Font scaling for Legend text and Annotation text, in the Post Processor.
Visualization Preferences for NX 12.0 , 2019.1(1847)
Post Processing Preferences dialog. Annotation includes font size scaling override.