Usually the number of digits in the tolerance table is defined with one or two digits but there are tolerances which are finer and consequently need a much higher level of accuracy with at least 3 digits to be displayed. In the example below the tolerances for
100 f4 are
-0,036 and
-0,046 but both are displayed as
-0,0 because of the round-off being defined to
The round-off for such a tolerance is defined in the corresponding dimension properties. In the dimension properties menu on the 'Units' tab you can alter the Round-off value for the linear tolerance. This will set the tolerance table to out-of-date and just after the update you will see the new accuracy in the tolerance table.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Application: DRAFT
Function: TABLES
Ref: 001-9179761