Using Solid Edge data management with a Fast Search server we, unable to
search custom properties.
The custom properties on the Fast Search server and the Solid Edge clients
must match exactly as per the SEUser.propdesc. To ensure they match follow
these steps:
- place the propseed.txt on a shared network location and set the file location
on the Fast Search server and Solid Edge clients.
- on the Fast Search server set custom properties using the propseed only
** DO NOT use the option for templates.
- rebuild index on the server
- on the client set custom properties using the SAME propseed only
** DO NOT use the option for templates.
- rebuild index
- restart Explorer.exe or reboot
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Version: V110.0
Function: BUILT_IN
Ref: 001-9141002