For Feature Control Frame, inputting any Geometric symbol displayed as alphabet instead of actual symbol.
Probable cause of this is Solid Edge Fonts are not registered on the machine. A simple check is from Feature Control Frame Properties dialogue box under font check if Solid Edge Fonts are presents.
Following fonts should present:
Solid Edge ANSI GDT Symbols, Solid Edge ANSI Unicode, Solid Edge ANSI1 Symbols, Solid Edge ANSI2 Symbols, Solid Edge ANSI3 Symbols, Solid Edge GOST1 Symbols, Solid Edge ISO, Solid Edge ISO CE, Solid Edge ISO GDT Symbols, Solid Edge ISO Unicode, Solid Edge ISO1 Symbols, Solid Edge ISO2 Symbols, Solid Edge ISO3 Symbols and Solid Edge Stensil
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Application: DRAFT
Version: V110.0
Ref: 001-9126375