Part files from NX10 will open fine in Gateway or Modeling, but then NX issues an error when trying to switch to the Manufacturing application. The software crashes out to Gateway. The same happens when creating a new part file in NX12 and trying to switch to the Manufacturing application.
Check the NX syslog file for details on the error conditions. In this case, the log file records:
*** NOTE:: in line 1596 of
o:\ugnx120\ip27\src\cams\no\ind\cam_session_definitions.c at Fri Apr 13
08:51:34 2018 Central Daylight Time
+++ An invalid key word FEATURE_RECOGNITION in file
C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 12.0\mach\resource\configuration\cam_general.dat
MB_LOADED_MENU_FILE Successfully loaded menu file: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX
MB_LOADED_MENU_FILE Successfully loaded menu file: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX
MB_LOADED_MENU_FILE Successfully loaded menu file: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX
Successfully loaded dynamic module C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX
Loaded module c:\program files\siemens\nx 12.0\nxbin\libtcl.dll 162b0000 a1000
0-0-0-0-0 version =
Successfully loaded dynamic module C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX
Loaded module c:\program files\siemens\nx 12.0\nxbin\libcamsja.dll
7ffad1580000 997000
d44434f0-453b75c9-f0e2d79d-fb8e2de1-1=libcamsja___1506521580cyp version =
*** EXCEPTION: Error code 1990056 in line 837 of
o:\ugnx120\ip27\src\cams\no\ind\cam_session_definitions.c at Fri Apr 13
08:51:35 2018 Central Daylight Time
+++ The FEATURE_RECOGNITION keyword is obsolete and should be removed from the
configuration file.
followed by tracebacks and then
>>>> Error code 1990056 caught in file
"o:\ugnx120\ip27\drv\camsja\no\ind\ja_cam_camsession_jam.cxx" at line number
>>>> Error code 1990056 caught in file
"o:\ugnx120\ip27\src\ugui\no\ind\ui_app.c" at line number 2314
>>>> Error code 1990056 successfully handled and acknowledged
*** EXCEPTION: O/S ERROR: signal 11 in line 2602 of
o:\ugnx120\ip27\src\syss\error\ind\error.cxx at Fri Apr 13 08:51:36 2018
Central Daylight Time
+++ General Fault Exception
+++ Invalid read from 0000000000000000
rsp: 5f33f0, rip: 7ffad4a08fcd, rbp: 5f38d0
rsi: 5f3e90, rdi: 0
rax: 0, rbx: 16020090, rcx: 0, rdx:
r8: 5, r9: 6500, r10: 7ffafc432a20, r11:
r12: 5f3e90, r13: 5f3ac0, r14: 0, r15:
A check of the named cam_general.dat configuration file shows that it does contain a line item entry named "FEATURE_RECOGNITION." Removing this line from the configuration file satisfies the NX12 launch criteria and the session can be changed to the Manufacturing application without error.