Steps to reproduce
1. Select [Analysis]-[Molded Part Validation]-[Easy Fill]-[Run Flow Analysis].
2. Pick Body and specify gate point.
3. Click [OK].
4. [Moldex3D Analysis Settings] dialog is started.
5. Click [Analyze now].
6. Select [Analysis]-[Molded Part Validation]-[Easy Fill]-[Display Analysis Results].
7. Select [Preferences]-[Visualization]-[Faceting] tab-"Show Facet Edges".
What is the mesh passed to the Moldex3D Solver when analyzing with [Easy Fill]?
* Shell mesh or Solid mesh?
* The user can see facet edges by [Preferences]-[Visualization]-[Faceting] tab-"Show Facet Edges".
Are these edges equivalent to the mesh used in the analysis?
A1. Solid meshes are passed to Moldex3D solver.
A2. Those facet edges the user sees in NX are not the meshes used by Moldex3D.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V11.0.1
Ref: 001-9009739