Interpolate or Derive a Curve Between Two Spline Geometries in Modeling.
This should generate a precise derived curve between the two different spline
1. Create a line connecting the nearest ends of the splines and use "Swept" to
follow the two splines as guide curves.
2. Create 1/8" or 1/4", length is unimportant, long line segments
perpendicular to the step 1 line segment with the mid-point at the end of each
spline. This creates a total of two linear segments.
3. Use Swept on the two, step 2 linear line segments along each splines length.
4. Create a Midsurface between the two surfaces created in step 3.
5. Create an Intersection Curve between Midsurface (step 4) and Swept surface
(step 1).
A less precise method that may fail to be accurate at any portion along the
Swept guide curves method.
Generate a Swept line from the Mid-Point of a line connecting the two ends of
the splines on one end.
While this will work, it can deviate and will be less precise than the
recommended precise procedure.