Only 1 windows-user (the creator/admin) of the TC-folder can see the folder and its content of the reuse library in NX. Regardless the TC-login.
Teamcenter is Case-sensitive!
Correct the folder name in Customer Default at site level in order to match folder name Case-sensitive.
Customer Default --> Gateway --> Reuse Library --> tab General
Libraries Organized by Teamcenter Folder
The administrator had user-level customer defaults which did match
case-sensitive to the folder name. That is why the windows-admin-account could
see the folder correctly.
Site setting in Customer default had wrong folder name.
The TC folder started with a Capital E (Engineering), while Customer Default
had no capital E: (infodba:engineering).
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: KDA
Version: V10.0
Ref: 001-8368550