If you have set the variable UGII_LANG to something else than ENGLISH the NX Print Administrator won't start out of NX anymore. You will receive a message like this:
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printgerman"
The message changes depending on the selected user interface language.
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printczech"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printfrench"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printhungarian"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printitalian"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printjapanese"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printkorean"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printpolish"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printportuguese"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printrussian"
Load Error "Cannot Find DLL File printspanish"
This happens within NX 12 MP1 only, NX 12 is working fine.
Workaround for this issue is to copy the file "printEnglish.dll" within the folder %UGII_BASE_DIR%\NXPLOT\bin and rename this copy to "printgerman.dll" (or any other language you need).
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V12.0
Function: PLOTTING
Ref: 001-9056685