Procedure for importing Teamcenter Table Templates
1. Ensure that the following environment variables are defined:
2. Edit the "nx2_tceng_tables.clone" (available under "ugii\table_files") file to define if the location of each template part if it does not accepts "${UGII_BASE_DIR}\". Like below -
&LOG Part: "${UGII_BASE_DIR}\ugii\table_files\generic_table_english.prt"
Change to (Exact location)–
&LOG Part: "C:\NX11\UGII\table_files\generic_table_english.prt"
Make these changes for other template parts files in the clone file.
For first template part the syntax will be like below in clone file-
&LOG Part: "C:\apps\PLMx64\NX11\UGII\table_files\generic_table_english.prt"
&LOG Cloning_Action: DEFAULT_DISP Naming_Technique: DEFAULT_NAMING Clone_Name: @DB/generic_table_english/A
&LOG Container: "infodba:Tabular Note Templates"
&LOG Part_Type: Item
&LOG Part_Name: generic_table_english
&LOG Part_Description: generic_table_english
&LOG Associated_Files_Directory: "C:\apps\PLMx64\NX11\UGII\table_files\generic_table_english"
3. Execute the Import utility (Note: This is a single line command)
Open TC command Prompt -
(Start > All Programs > Teamcenter 11 > tc_config1 Command Prompt)
Execute below command, like below (Check your installation location)
C:\NX11\UGMANAGER\tcin_import.exe -u=infodba -p=XXXXX -g=dba -l="C:\NX11\UGII\table_files\nx2_tceng_tables.clone"
4. Create the preview images for the template parts.
- Login to Teamcenter as infodba
- Start NX
- Retrieve each template part and save part with preview enabled.
(All the above templates will be available in Teamcenter at "infodba:Tabular Note Templates")
5. Now in NX, go to Menu > Preferences > Palettes > Click on Open Palette > Browse for "tables_tceng.pax" file available under "C:\NX11\UGII\table_files" > Click OK
Now these Teamcenter Tables will be available under NX Resource bar to use.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V11.0
Ref: 001-9037464