A Customer is running NX11.0.X, using Pre/Post, and doing SOL 601,129. He's plotting a nodal displacement/translation using a cylindrical coordinate system. He asks how can theta equal 1 inch?
This is working as designed. Displacement - Nodal output is for only translation and not rotation. Hence even for a cylindrical CSYS the displacement will be in linear translation units like mm or inch only.
Displacement - Nodal in X will be shown as Displacement - Nodal, R where R equals the radial direction. This will show the displacement of the node in the radial direction instead of using the X direction when a Cartesian CSYS is used.
Similarly, Displacement - Nodal in Y will be shown as Displacement - Nodal, T where T equals the theta direction. This will show the displacement of the node in the theta direction instead of using Y direction when a Cartesian CSYS is used.
Reference: IR 9041653 and IR 1781645.