Is there a way to tell directly from the .prt file what version of NX last saved the file?
This would be helpful where a site is running multiple versions of NX and would like to know what
version of NX will open the part file without any trial-and-error.
The "ug_inspect" utility can be used to directly query .prt files.
Open an NX command prompt and use the syntax:
ug_inspect.exe drive:\path\filename.prt
D:\nx11\UGII>ug_inspect D:\working\client_abc\436358.prt
This will return a lot of information, including the full part history with the last version of NX that saved the file. There are quite a few command line arguments for this utility as well. Check the "ug_inspect -help" listing, or the NX documentation on this utility for full details.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V8.5
Ref: 001-9041575