Customer define a thermal Heat Load to a Fluid domain (100W)
The fluid is in contact with the structuture.
Structure convect to ambiant fluid (air 20°C).
How to check energy transfered to the Ambiant Fluid? (100W)
+ Create a group with element free faces of the structure in contact with
ambiant fluid (gp1)
+ Create a Simulation Object type « Report Between Regions »
+ Primary Region :
select group gp1 (the gp created step before)
+ Secondary Region Override: Fluid Ambient
+ Thermal data: Heat flow
+ Solve
+ Open the Html report generated
« Linear Thermal Coupling » is the energy transfered to ambiant fluid=100W
this is the same value as input head load.
We can also check the NX Thermal log file:
begining of the file: « Thermal Boundary Condition »
input heat load of 100W
1 - Thermal Load(1) Heat Load 1.000E+08 mN-mm/s
At the end of the file we can find Summary for thermal elements:
Heat flow into sinks = 1.000E+08
Heat Flow+Load Summary Into Different Sink Entities:
Sink Entity Temperature Heat Energy absorbed
Fluid ambient group 2.000E+01 1.000E+08 0.000E+00