Generated Standard Parts are automatically 'Released', which will prevent customer from changing them.
This was due to a change to previous Solid Edge versions.
For ST9 and ST10 the user needs to set a flag in the Registry:
1. Open Registry Editor
2. For ST9 navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Unigraphics Solutions\Standard Parts\Version 109
For ST10 navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Unigraphics Solutions\Standard Parts\Version 110
3. Create a new key as STRING, named "ReadOnlyFlag" and set the key to the required behavior:
a. If the value is "True" then the "release status" is set to "OFF" and "read-only flag" is set to "ON".
b. If the value is "False" or missing, then the "release status" is set to "ON" and "read only flag" is set to "OFF". This is also default behavior, if the registry key does not exist.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Application: EXTERNAL_APPS
Ref: 001-8998849