What TCL code can be used to check for an available WEDM license before posting?
The [MOM_check_out_license "wire_edm_machining"] command in the code below checks to see if this license is available. A "1" is returned if it is available and a "0" if not.
### License Check
set response [MOM_check_out_license "wire_edm_machining"]
if {$response == 0} {
MOM_display_message "NX Wire License not available. \
\n(NX12420_wire_edm_machining) \nGet wire license and repost. \
\n\nPosting will be terminated" "WARNING" "E"
MOM_abort "Terminating Postprocessing"
The following message will be displayed if no license is available. When "Ok" is pressed posting will be terminated.