Unable to export PDF from NX to Teamcenter




When exporting a PDF from NX to Teamcenter, the following error occurs: 
      An error occurred while calling an FCC Proxy function


The PDF translator will first create a temporary PDF file on the operating system in the temp folder. Then the translator will upload the PDF file in the temp folder to Teamcenter. The issue is that no PDF file is generated on the operating system for Teamcenter to upload. When the PDF process tries to grab the temporary PDF file from the operating system and can't find it, NX reports the "FCC Proxy function" error.

In order to verify this is the issue and see if no file is being created on the operating system, try exporting the PDF file using the Action option, 'File Browser', and attempt to export the PDF to a local folder. Once the PDF translation is complete, check the local folder to see if the PDF file was generated. If no PDF file was generated in the local folder, this could be the issue.

This situation can result when the pdflib.dll file is missing from the following path:

Please find the pdflib.dll in this path:
and copy it to this folder location:

There should now be a "%UGII_BASE_DIR%\NXPLOT\bin\pdf\pdflib.dll" file. 
Re-start NX and the PDF export should now be successful. 

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V9.0.3

Ref: 001-9006750

KB Article ID# PL8002797



Associated Components