Need help to set up and configure design manager with Teamcenter. Want
to use the functionality of Pack and Go.
You are using / connecting to Teamcenter via the SEEC DM module, hence you have a Teamcenter tab instead of the native Solid Edge file manager tab called Design Manager. The name of the tab is confusing, it has nothing to do with Data Mamangement. It is used for file management in a native Solid Edge
environment using OS based shared drives.
However, when working with Teamcenter, you just copy the files you want to "package", or zip up and send to a vendor, right from the local SEEC cache folder. The Pack & Go function's main purpose is to pull all files to a central location to be zipped. With SEEC the files are automatically centralized locally, in the SEEC cache.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: n/a
Version: V109MP9
Function: SEEC
Ref: 001-8979928