If an FEA only 2D mesh is imported into NX/Simcenter and the mesh needs to be
modified, editing option may be limited but the following procedure can allow
A 2D mesh that does not have an associated polygon face or body, cannot be
edited as a mesh or be edited with the 2D Local Remesh function. However,
the Model Cleanup -> Face from Mesh function associates the resulting polygon
face to the mesh and normal editing on the mesh can be performed.
1. Select Menu -> Insert -> Model Cleanup -> Face from Mesh.
2. Select the 2D elements and OK.
> Note: The mesh is still in its collector and one can RMB on the mesh in the
Simulation Navigator and select Edit. Thus, a new element size and other
options within the 2D mesh dialog, such as the element type, can be used. The
2D Local Remesh function will be able to select the elements since a polygon
face is associated with that mesh.